Home Forums Vedic Math What challenges have you encountered while teaching Vedic Math and how have you overcome them?

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    • #31517

      My son and I are just getting started teaching Vedic Math to each other, but we are running into some obstacles along the way. Sometimes concepts seem too abstract for him/her or they get frustrated trying to grasp techniques immediately; thus leading me to question other educators regarding any obstacles they faced while instructing Vedic Math lessons to their children, what strategies have worked well, or any tips/strategies on making learning Vedic Math simpler/faster etc?

    • #31544

      My greatest obstacle in teaching Vedic Math to my son was his initial resistance to adopt it as his familiar traditional math seemed more comfortable for him at first. To combat this, I started out slowly by starting him out with simple problems before gradually increasing difficulty as time progressed; videos and games to make learning fun were also very helpful in making Vedic Math accessible and enjoyable! When my son saw how quickly calculations could take place he became much more engaged with Vedic Math as his calculations became faster; eventually this motivated his progress further!

      • #31927


    • #31545

      My daughter initially struggled with memorizing Vedic Math sutras. She found them daunting and hard to remember. To assist, we created a poster featuring all of them that she could hang in her study area as well as making them into songs to aid memory recall. By making learning interactive and visual, she quickly overcame this hurdle.

    • #31546

      One challenge was incorporating Vedic Math into my child’s existing math curriculum, as its methods differ significantly from her school lessons and caused some initial confusion. To address this, I worked closely with her teacher and coordinated both sets of lessons together so she would see the value in adding Vedic Math lessons alongside regular ones – over time she saw how Vedic Math could augment regular ones!

    • #31547

      My main challenge in keeping my child engaged with Vedic Math over time was keeping their initial enthusiasm alive. As time progressed he lost interest. In order to reignite it I set weekly math challenges with small rewards for reaching goals as well as different Vedic Math apps and games to keep things interesting; ultimately this approach worked great and now he practices regularly!

    • #31548

      My son initially found Vedic Math techniques too abstract and difficult to apply directly to real-life problems, so to overcome this I used practical examples such as calculating grocery bills or planning budgets as means to demonstrate its usefulness in everyday situations and gain his interest for practicing them. By connecting their techniques directly with these everyday situations he began seeing their worth more readily and became eager to practice them more frequently.

    • #31549

      One of our greatest difficulties when first beginning Vedic Math was finding resources and support to get us going. Finding child-friendly books was difficult for me to do alone – to remedy this, I joined online forums where other parents shared resources and experiences; in addition, Color Pencil flashcards proved particularly effective at providing structured yet enjoyable learning environments for our youngsters.

    • #31550

      My daughter initially struggled to adapt to Vedic Math as she was used to solving problems using conventional approaches. In order to ease her transition, we practiced it alongside her regular homework. Eventually she started using Vedic techniques more regularly – with time, patience and consistency being key elements to helping overcome this hurdle.

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